Visually Speaking
It’s my attempt at a blog. It’s my thoughts. It’s a creative extension of what I normally do day to day. I don’t always have something to say with words- sometimes it’s just pictures. But if you have a minute, take a look around. Once in a while you’ll find something new. Or learn something cool. Either way I’m glad you stopped by.
A Wonderful Surprise
Since it’s been a few weeks since I last decided to make a post (even though that one was JUST written yesterday). I have wanted to make this post for some time, because it’s exciting for me.
Since I have started down this road and and have made the headway I have, I’ve been and wanted to be - connected to a number of different memberships and organizations. One was the PPA - a great organization that truly supports and connects with their community of photographers on every level and allows them to grow and explore through numerous facets of that organization. I’m not a member of them anymore, it’s a me not them thing - I broke it off, sorry PPA. And then there is the ASMP - another fantastic group that I was a member of, and again want to get back in with (I’ll be back there someday).
There are two organizations that I am CURRENTLY members of. The first one is the AIAP. It is run by Alan Blakely of Salt Lake City, UT. Not only is he a fantastic photographer in his area of the country. He started this great organization to better catalog and make available the architectural photographers across the US! I have been a member since the beginning of the year and have been very pleased with everything that has happened because of it. Thanks Alan!
And then there’s this group of creatives. This has been the monster I have been chasing down for the last two and a half years. This is the one that I am so excited for. I tried two times before to become a member Those two times I failed. But I took the feedback I received each time and came back stronger. They were moments to continue to learn and grow. You see, at that point in my journey, I wasn’t ready for what was about to happen. I wasn’t ready to take on the challenges that would come my way, good challenges. So on the third try I got my act together made all the changes, did all the work, created the images I needed to to grow my brand and develop my skills to make the compelling case for admission. I submitted the work, waited two days to hear back (luck for me I submitted the day before they reviewed that weeks submissions), and received the email I had been longing to receive.
Not that this group is my end-all-be-all! But I felt that this was my measuring stick. This was a way for me to see where I was on my journey, to see how far I could have come, and how much further I had to go.
So because of the work. Because I decided that me, I - myself and my work were worth the effort. I am now proud to say that I am a member of one of the biggest, commercially creative, and established organizations in the US - WONDERFUL MACHINE! Since July of this year one of my goals for the year plan have been met, and since then I have continued to grow! My work has improved - not because of them directly, but because they have given direction, allowed me to focus, and been there as a support to guile me as I make decisions as to the direction and course I want to travel. As I grow it’s because of the WORK I do, and the SUPPORT they have given me. I had chosen to take on having a creative coach to push me into getting out of my comfort zone. I have been nothing but pleased with how that relationship has developed, Andrew is like my second set of eyes. He is a creative director by trade so he sees what I don’t. He gives me guidance, and allows me to discover while being there in the background. He even endures my constant email barrage of questions and feedback.
So this post is an announcement of sorts, even though the badges have been on the website since I was accepted. And a thank you to my team of support at Wonderful Machine for everyone’s hard work at making me more aware, more visible, more marketable, and more prepared to do and handle new, harder projects. And become a better photographer. Thank you Wonderful Machine!
2021 so far…
So here we are, literally 8 months through the year and I have had the blessing of a renewed opportunity and growth. I had two emails back in January, while still in lock-down so to speak. One was a small job, for an engineering firm in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, wanting me to shoot a paving project for them at a warehouse facility near me. So of course I jumped on the opportunity for work! I mean I had one job ALL of 2020 - shooting paper products (yes you guessed it - toilet paper, paper towels, and napkins). And the second was one that would take some time. The projects had been completed back in April of 2020 but the firm was hesitant in hiring a photographer during the pandemic. But once the snow melted and the green came back in the spring (that’s what took so long), I was out in Pittsburgh shooting three hospitals for PhiloWilke Architects by way of Houston, TX!
I mean I couldn’t believe my luck - two firms. In the same week!?!?!? If I can be honest, I wasn’t really sure how this year was going to go? Was I not going to see any work this year? How fast would it come back? Would it come back? Would I have to close shop for good? I was nervous as most all of us were. But I held out hope for, better, brighter days.
Since then I’ve seen some projects come my way - real estate, commercial work, architecture, etc.. Companies like Nexii, and Little Leaf Farms have put their faith in me and my work. And have become long term clients of mine because of it. All of this has not happened by chance. But by me putting myself out there. Making things happen, making phone calls, sending messages and emails, making connections. Getting myself in front of the people that make decisions, and in front of the companies I want to work with and have as clients.
And as fate would have it, things have kind of progressed, and have come back to almost normal. As part of my businesses growth I am no where near where I want to be. But if I’m being honest again - I very optimistic! I have my one year, two year, and five year goals. So we will keep going at it everyday - making phone calls, sending emails, making connections, getting myself in front of the people and companies I want as clients in the future. It’s slowly happening, but it’s happening. And I’m so very grateful for every opportunity that’s coming my way.
I am sitting here in my studio contemplating what to write this week. When I look around I see all of the things that I’m surrounded by. Things of my childhood, my wife’s childhood, our kids childhood. And things of my life together with my wife. Things from my photography and the business. And all of that, to me, comes under the definition of growth. We grow up, we do things in life, we have successes and failures. We get older, wiser, and grow. And then we get old.
Everything that has happened in my life, as it happens in all our lives, is growth from an external force or an internal desire to be or do something good. To mean something, to matter. We all strive to grow up, make it through high school, get through college (if that’s what you want to do), find a career that we are passionate about. Live life, have a love, find some success, and have some growth.
But as I’m looking around, I see what I have given my children so far. Knowledge I’ve passed along, skills I’ve taught them, love we share as a parent, and things we’ve done together as a family to make memories. I’m thinking about all of this because our youngest is sitting ten feet away from me playing Fortnite, growing up before my eyes and being the last one to leave the nest (five years away!). Just last weekend we sent our middle daughter off to college on the opposite side of the state to study culinary. And just this morning, I spoke to our oldest son who’s stationed in Detroit with our US Coast Guard. It seems to me that everyone is right where they need to be. Right?
Is that because of of me? Or my wife? Or is it the choices our children make on their own? Ultimately I think its their choice to do what they like. What they want out of life. Or what they need to do because of their passions. I would like to think that it’s because of our influence, our guidance, into what’s right and wrong, that has allowed them to make solid decisions about their lives. T make good decisions and healthy choices for making them into a better, more whole, individual. To do good things in this world, in their lifetimes. To leave it better than we left it for them. And so on.
So as they move on, grow up ,and start out on their own to leave their footprint on the planet. I look to continue on and grow personally, spiritually, professionally. To get better as a photographer. To continue to help my kids grow themselves and develop into good people. And continue to have a solid relationship with my wife—my partner—my best friend.
But—-right now I have my youngest talking to me about gaming, and computers, and Fortnite. I believe its time to spend some quality time and have some more growing moments and be the cool Dad today!
Film and Digital Photography Coexist
Well years ago, back when film photography was king and digital was just a twinkle in some engineers eye at Eastman/Kodak. I was introduced to photography. Simple as that, I learned, trained, developed (my skills and film), and became one with the 35 mm world. For me medium and large format photography was for the studio houses, the serious professionals! I was just a young guy learning it all. And to top it all off, it was EXPENSIVE! Again, a young guy, just out of art school.
So I took my 35 mm camera (an old Pentax), bought a second camera (the Canon Elan 7) and started on my road to wedding photography. As time moved on, so did my interests and from that I finally made the transition to digital buying my first digital camera Canon T2. Both served me well. Both taught me lessons. But it wasn’t until I made the move a few years ago into the world of Sony cameras that it really took off for me. With Sony there were so many options, so much more learning from their platforms. But in the end something was missing. Something felt unfinished, incomplete… I wanted more.
I wanted to be able to experience what I did when I shot film. But I wanted what the big guys and girls had. So last month, I know only a month ago, I made my first big purchase. I went back to film!
I understand its film, and with all of the technology out there I could have had my pick of some pretty amazing cameras from some spectacular platforms. But what I wanted they didn’t have. I wanted the romance, the richness, the consistent inconsistency of film photography. Working that much harder, taking my time to meter the light, composing the frame for the right shot, and getting only one or two chances to get it right.
Some may argue that I made a bad choice. But that’s where their opinion and mine differ. I feel that for me while technology is beautiful and amazing and almost endless, it leaves something out of the frame. It makes great images, but when the point of the task is to get as may as possible and pick the best out of 100 options (of the same thing). Then I feel that what you gain in pixels you loose in true image quality. Now I won’t be putting down and packing up my Sony anytime soon, I will be picking up my Canon FD and Mamiya RB67 a lot more.
But those are the lessons we learn through life and photography, to slow down, create and live in the moment.
Who Am I…?
But who, am I? I mean really. Who am I? To have a dream. A goal. A vision. A business. A website…A blog?????
I think about these things all the time. I mean, whats the big idea Brian? Why should you start, or even pursue this dream. For this long. Yeah, it’s been a long time to be developing this vision. I spent the last three years ( the last 20 in total), brainstorming seeing what this business could become. I’ve spent countless hours devoting myself to be a better photographer. I’ve taken countless courses on being the best businessperson I know how to be. And all the while, devoting all my remaining time to be the best husband and father I can be everyday. All while working a full time job, helping support this dream and creative passion, hoping for the business to start thriving on its own.
For what? A passion, a love, a feeling. Yes, that’s what I’ve been doing this for. I have had a passion to create since I was a little kid, drawing sketches and doodles in a scrapbook that my Dad got for me to play in. In high school, creating and fostering the love I had. In art school, finding an outlet that spoke to me with the click of a shutter! Since I could walk I have been creating. Dreaming, envisioning something, and putting pen/pencil/crayon to paper to capture that idea. It was though all typical though really, the passion was the crutch, the struggle, the thing that held me back. The fear, the dread, the worry that my work would not be… good. But here I am, forty years later, and the dream is coming alive.
But there is so much more to who I am from the struggles and business sense.
If you’ve read this far, I am assuming you’d like to know more about me?
I’m a funny guy—-a dry sense of humor (think of a modern day version of Monty Python). I like to have a good time. I like to have a laugh. My wife is my best friend, and we do everything together. She has been my support through all of this. And I her’s as she has taken on the many challenges of being a school teacher. I have three great children, of whom I am so very proud of. One is in our United States Coast Guard, one is a senior in high school, who in the fall, will be pursuing her career’s education in the culinary field at The Indiana University of Pennsylvania. And my youngest, who challenges me to be intelligent and quick to a video game challenge or to teach him how to do something-build something-or cook something (he loves to learn and be engaged).
When I am not capturing images for clients I can be found on date nights with my wife, walking in the woods, leaning new things, and woodworking, and I also like to bake and cook. Yeah I’m pretty handy to have around the house. And really just doing anything including a watching a good movie or reading an even better book.
I’m sure these posts will get better as time goes on. But I wanted to use this post to share with all of you a little more about myself. I usually don’t like talking about me, so this was kind of hard (I’m humble). But I hope you choose to stick around and follow along with the journey, I’m ever growing, evolving, and changing. I’ll be posting again soon. Mostly about all things photography, other times about life. Every time though I’ll post from my heart, it’s where my passion lies.
All the while, doing what I love to do. Creating images with a camera. Thank you for reading.
Kind Regards